
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Spike TV will fail at finding Bigfoot

Will it come to this
The Spike TV offer of ten million dollars to anyone bringing in definitive proof of a Sasquatch is working the solution in reverse. We are only beginning to understand that which people are seeing in the woods. Elusive is only part of the issue. Sasquatch's may not be their at all - at least only part time.

Dr. Bindernagle once said Sasquatch was a matter of physics. Truer words were never spoken. Proof, in this instance, was how you understood proof. Rigid science may not be the correct tool in this instance.

Decades of research have taught us that the Geroge Armstrong Custer approach to researching elusive animals will not work. Posses in the filed, trackers fueled with lust and greed for fame and fortune cannot succeed in finding Bigfoot. Almost all sightings have been accidental. In a fleeting glimpse, a will-o-the-wisp, and it is gone. You cannot track an animal that is not laying down tracks. Arnold and the boys found that out when an ambitious carnivore advanced the laws of physics times ten in front of them. I would like to say "right in front of their eyes." Not to be.

The brilliant Blogsquatcher beleived the clue to finding Bigfoot was the environmental impact of the animal:
"For one thing, bigfoot did not appear to live anywhere.  In other words, there were no locations where the ecological impact of such a large creature in the numbers it would have to have to sustain a population could be detected.  You might find a lone feeding site, a lone bedding site, and maybe a spot where something large had defecated, but the trail would end there.  There would be no further impact to be found on the local ecology.

Indeed there are exceptions to this particular rule -- sometimes a spot is found where a longer habitation seems to have occurred, but even there, you won't find the impact of any quantity of sasquatches, just seemingly that one fellow.

It was like bigfoot came for a little vacation, and went on its way.

Add to this the many stories of bigfoot that included other strange details.  If you followed the Blogsquatcher blog, you know about these now.  There were associations with UFOs, paranormal effects, telepathic communication -- the kind of stuff that only "kooks" believe, you know?"
I hear that they may not even use "Bigfoot researchers" but use big game hunters. I could not object more. Safari is a wonderful thing when you are only photographing and studying the animals. I have never harmed an animal (only for food and self defense).

Bigfoot hunters?
Almost any topic can be made interesting. PBS made science very interesting when they said it could not be done. There is even a top rated show about a pawn shop that is fantastic. This Bigfoot kill does not have to happen.

Canada may refuse their crews entry if hunting is their purpose. Perhaps backlash from animal rights groups or the work Todd Standing is doing should be called upon. License may not be granted on American soil if killing an unknown animal could be a potential homicide. Human DNA wold make it murder.

My guess is they may have difficulty finding people. If you are not in the Bigfoot world, you may not think its possible to find a Bigfoot. So why bother? They would want to be payed up front and they won't come cheap. Rogue warriors may make compelling TV but will not add anything to the research. In fact, it will make the real footers look callow and spineless.

I see nothing to gained from this. Finding Bigfoot has actually increased awareness and interest in Bigfoot. That is a positive. This show would further cement in peoples minds that it is findable. Its not. We simply must understand what we are actually looking for.

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